Clics is a new, cool construction toy
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Clics is a new toy concept that is sweeping the European market. Recently developed in Belgium, Clics are causing children all over Europe to discard thier GameBoys and revert to thier childhood fantasies of building a rocket ship, car, boat, or robots. Clics are also compatible with legos and other building materials. Clics are color safe and large enough that little fingers can build. Pleasing to the eye and colorful to use, Clics will be the "next greatest toy." Clics is a new, cool construction toy.

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clics construction toy.
33 Piece - Clics is a new, cool construction toy
Clics is a new, cool construction toy. The Clics are available in different colours. You can easily click them together and combine them endlessly. You can also link up Clics with various accessories of Lego and K'Nex. Whatever you build - small or big - you will be amazed every time.
clics construction toy.
175 Piece - Clics is a new, cool construction toy
Clics is a new, cool construction toy. The Clics are available in different colours. You can easily click them together and combine them endlessly. You can also link up Clics with various accessories of Lego and K'Nex. Whatever you build - small or big - you will be amazed every time..
clics construction toy clicks construction toy
360 Piece - Clics is a new, cool construction toy
Clics is a new, cool construction toy. The Clics are available in different colours. You can easily click them together and combine them endlessly. You can also link up Clics with various accessories of Lego and K'Nex. Whatever you build - small or big - you will be amazed every time.

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